SPH09 Implementing ECM Solutions with SharePoint 2013


11:00am - 12:15pm

Level: Intermediate

Robert Bogue

SharePoint Shepherd

Thor Projects, LLC

A walk through of SharePoint 2013's more powerful ECM features.

Though born as a document management solution in 2001, most organizations haven't tapped the document management and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) features in SharePoint. In this session, we'll walk through some of SharePoint 2013's more powerful ECM features. You'll learn how to leverage Content by Search to improve the ability to locate content in SharePoint as well as how to leverage enhancements in document sets to build richer ECM scenario solutions.

You will learn:
  • Gain a thorough understanding of the key changes in Records Management capabilities
  • Explore key usability improvements
  • How to soup up your search using new search feature