DevOps in the Spotlight

VSH13 Closing The Feedback Loop: Unblock Your Agile/DevOps Transformation


2:30pm - 3:45pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Heidi Araya

Enterprise Transformation Consultant

Esteban Garcia

Managing Director - Microsoft Services


Do you have all the fancy DevOps tools and Agile processes anyone could want, but things still take forever to get done? Do people still lack a collaborative mindset? If so, come listen to Esteban and Heidi talk about how to unstick your DevOps and Agile processes by focusing on the end to end delivery process, culture, and outcomes. After attending, listeners will leave with an understanding of the things we learned as we have navigated our way through the culture, processes, and value streams of various companies as well as practical tips to improving your delivery time and creating happier customers.

You will learn:

  • The value stream visualization
  • Practical tips to improve your delivery time
  • Ways to identify cultural challenges and some strategies to positively impact culture