Technical Excellence and Leadership Skills

VST12 Meaningful Engagement with a Hybrid Workforce


2:45pm - 4:00pm

Level: Introductory

Sara Faatz

Director, Developer Relations


As we begin the next chapter of our global "return to normal" one thing is abundantly clear – normal is not what we used to know. Over the past two years, teams have found they can be productive and effective working remotely. They have shown their resilience and their ability to persevere. And the pandemic has shown us that everyone has a different appetite for in-person interaction. With that, many organizations are moving to a hybrid model – with some people returning to the office full-time, some splitting their time between in office and remote, and others remaining fully remote. This brings a new dynamic to every team and every organization. During this talk, we will explore ways to ensure meaningful engagement and productive, happy teams in this next chapter.

You will learn:

  • Key considerations when establishing a hybrid workplace
  • Explore ways to ensure meaningful engagement in a hybrid environment
  • How to engage employees and teams no matter their location